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SeroTalk Podcast 180: Full of Schmidt


Listen to SeroTalk Podcast 180: Full of Schmidt

Welcome to this week’s edition of the SeroTalk Podcast. Once again, Jamie, Ricky and Joe pontificate about the news of the week. Then, Jamie sits down with Mike Calvo, director of the AIR Foundation to discuss his recent trip to Columbia and the foundation’s efforts to provide tablets to blind school children in that country. Stories covered in this week’s podcast include:

News in A T

National Federation of the Blind Receives Grant from National Science Foundation

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Delivery drones are coming: Jeff Bezos promises half-hour shipping with Amazon Prime Air

Thinking Outside the (Gift) Box

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Online Shopping – Tips from Online Shopaholics

Guide for Individuals with Vision Impairments

FSCast Episode 84, November 2013

This Blog Post is just FREEQING Awesome!

More from the “Comings and Goings” department. My departure from Mushroom FM

The End of an Era, Reflections and Explanations re #MushroomFM

Ringing in the Holidays with a Special Promotion!

Mainstream Matters

Holiday shopping season begins on Thanksgiving

How Shopping Malls Are Adapting In An Online World

Tablets dwarf other holiday tech gifts in CNET survey

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Android KitKat: It’s not so sweet for Nexus 4 users

Google chairman Eric Schmidt writes an Android switching guide

What is (still) wrong with Microsoft’s Windows Phone strategy

BlackBerry’s COO and CMO Are Leaving in Executive Shuffle


Blog comment from Mike

I’ve been listening to your show for quite a while, and I really love both the range of subjects and the format. However, halfway through this show I couldn’t help but wonder what got into you. Why do you provide a platform for a person who apparently feels the need to insult every person who for whatever reason takes a more critical position to TapTap See’s latest move, apparently beleiving that anybody who disagrees with his ridiculously oversimplified interpretation of the criticism just has to be mentally ill.

I find this sort of thing completely unacceptable. I’m not going to go into the underlying discussion, you covered a lot of it in the relevant podcast, but I would appreciate it if in the future I could listen to your show without becoming a target of the unreflected ragings of some Monday-morning-football-coach. In my opinion, mutual respect is essential in a public forum, and when you turn from people voicing their opinions to people raging at the rest of the world for not agreeing with their own point of view, then there’s not much point in listening any more. And at least for this episode I definitely lost my taste for it.

From Mario:

I think it’s worth mentioning that there is a petition to help Winamp stay alive, whether thru AOL making it open source via GPL3+, or improving/continuing it’s legacy. http://savewinamp.com/

there is a link to sign the petition. first/last name, email address, street address (or PO Box), city, state, zipcode are required and a comments area is optional.

allot of blind and sighted users I know use Winamp for more than just playing audio/video files.


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